Sunday, October 7, 2012

                            Digital story-telling and video production in EFL
                                             classes in Armenia

In this post, I will speak about Digital storey- telling and video production in EFL classes. So, what is a Digital storey-telling? Actually, it refers to using digital tools so that ordinary people can tell their own real-life stories.
From my point of view, Digital storey-telling is very important in EFL classrooms, as it allows teachers to engage the students in their own language learning process. Furthermore, by using Digital storey-telling, teachers can help students to develop the skills which they need to be successful in our technology -rich world. Secondly, as we know, there are lazy students, reluctant learners, or students who become bored very quickly during the classes and they do not want to follow the teacher’s instructions or learn something new. So, how to deal with this problem? The solution is that the teachers can overcome these obstacles by using Digital storey-telling, which helps to inspire students and motivate them to learn. Thus, from the facts mentioned above, it is evident that Digital story-telling has many advantages and can be very beneficial in EFL classroom.  To sum up, telling Digital storey-telling
  •        Encourages research
  •          Fosters critical thinking skills
  •          Encourages students to write and to work at becoming better writers
  •          Gives students a voice
  •          Helps students to retain knowledge longer
  •          Promote Digital literacy

In the continuation, I will speak about video making in EFL classrooms. It is not secret that we live in a networked 
world where technology has become an essential part of teaching and learning. It provides us with a number of teaching/learning tools which we can use in an EFL classroom.  So, one of this tools is video making. In my opinion, student-produced videos can be an excellent EFL/ESL learning activity. This activity differs from the other ones because the learner participates in video making process in variety of ways. 
Nowadays, when we have relatively advanced digital video technology, EFL learners have many opportunities to create their own videos on a specific topic given by the teacher or the topic which they are interested in as we did in our class. Furthermore, I liked this new innovation and as a future teacher, I think, I will use the video making in my classrooms. Additionally, I can say that it makes the learning process more vivid and student-oriented. I think learning and "having fun" simultaneously is one of the best ways for students to learn.

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