Monday, December 3, 2012

“Digital Youth” and “The world is flat”

My today’s post is going to be about “Digital Youth” and I will also speak about the lecture by Thomas Friedman “The world is flat”. Actually, before watching the videos, I thought that children are very creative and very clever nowadays, yet, watching the videos made me think that they are not only creative, but also geniusesJ. Why am I saying this, because while I was watching the videos, I realized how the new generation differs from ours. They do things, which I could not do at their age even in my dreams J .  Here I want to bring my brother’s example. Every time, when he plays computer games and he meets some obstacles, he calls his son to help him, who is only 10 years old. Thus, from this example it can be seen that children use technology without any difficulties.      
The amazing thing is that, all children use the technology very easily, and it seems like they born with it. What is more important, that they are fond of technology and they use it with great pleasure. Even one girl mentioned that she likes especially her dad’s iPhone as she plays a lot of games. For me this is really amazing. Furthermore, there was a girl whose name was Dana and she told about her first computer. It was very touchy.  She is nine now, but she was 7 when she got it. She said that she was very very very excited and she liked it a lot. The same was with me. I was really very excited too, but in comparison with her, I got my computer not at the age of 7 but a few years ago J
To sum up my topic about the “Digital Youth”, I would definitely say that children are very intelligent and very unique today.  They not just want to search. They want to use what they searched for and do something with it. And as I mentioned above, they do use the technology perfectly, even without anybody’s help. Additionally, what I have noticed in the videos, that technology has its own place in education in this 21st century. So, as an English language teacher, I would definitely integrate technology in my classes. As they are very interesting and motivating for children. Besides, it makes the work easier both, for the teacher and for the learner.

The next video which I watched was a lecture by Thomas Friedman “The world is flat”. I will say that it was a fascinating speech and I learnt a lot of new things from this man.  I would even read the book, however I am very pressed in time now. Hopefully, I will read it later because I am sure that it will enrich my knowledge and will give me a lot of new information.
According to Thomas Friedman, we have already entered the stage of making this world “tiny”. So what does this mean? Actually, it means that today we can share news and information very easily with the help of technology. And if we think for a moment, we can really see what technology allows us to do in the 21sy century. In his speech he mentions 10 flatterers, the first of which is the fall of the Berlin Wall.  The next important flattener is the introduction of fiber optic cable, which allows us to communicate cheaply. Thus, we can see how the technology entered our life and made it easy. So, as a teacher, I would say that these new technologies are of a great help in the classroom as well. Furthermore, they can be used for different purposes, like for developing a speaking skill, for promoting collaboration among students, for motivating the Ss etc.


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